   A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _


Description of the planar or linear orientation of a geologic feature.
Allows specifying direction by DirectionVector (eg Dip/Dip Direction), compass point (NE), description ("toward fold hinge", "below')
Description of the measured orientation of a line. At least one of plunge or trend should not be nil.
Description of the geometry of a plane.
A package of utility elements, including specialist value types allowing description of the planar or linear orientation of a geologic feature. Allows specifying direction by a direction vector (eg Dip/Dip Direction), compass point (NE), description ("toward fold hinge", "below').

These values are usually obtained as the result of an observation. The description of the associated observation event will provide more detail about the observation method, result quality, etc
data type for linear orientation with magnitude. Cardinality on magnitude is 1, if magnitude is unknown use CGI_LinearOrientation
The GeoSciML Collection package contains facade classes that facilitate the structuring of WFS response documents and other application uses.
Element to represent composition of a geologic unit in terms of earth material constituents.
This class is a blank placeholder for a vocabulary of terms to describe the role that a compositional part plays in a geologic unit.
An EarthMaterial composed of particles composed of EarthMaterials, possibly including other CompoundMaterials.

This class is provided primarily as an extensibility point for related domain models that wish to import and build on GeoSciML, and wish to define material types that are compound but are not rock or rock-like material. For most users of GeoSciML "RockMaterial" should be used.
The Constituent Part class describes how Earth Materials may be made up of other Earth Materials, including the proportion of the constituent part in the whole (eg: 20%, minor, dominant); the role that the constituent plays in the whole (eg: matrix, groundmass, framework, phenocryst, xenolith, vein).

The distinction between "role" and "particleType" (see related ParticleGeometryDescription) is subtle. An operational test is that constituentType may be determined independent of relationship between particles in the aggregation, whereas role requires consideration of the relationship to other particles. A particle may be identified as clast, independent of its material composition, and independent of its relationship to other grains in a rock. The term 'floating clast' is a role, because it is dependent on the relationship 'not in contact with other clasts'. Consider Dunham's textural classification of carbonate rocks (wackestone, packstone, grainstone...) in the description of carbonate rocks. The description is predicated on identification of two kinds of intraclasts (grains) and matrix (carbonate mud), and then uses this distinction to establish relationships--mud supported vs. grain supported -- that define roles for the two types of constituents (framework, matrix...).

Examples of type vs. role:
- Particle type: clast. Role: framework, floating particle
- Particle type: crystal. Role: matrix, pseudomatrix (in case that matrix is interpreted as recrystallized material)
- Particle type: clast. Role: matrix (in case that matrix is interpreted as very-fine grained detrital fraction)
- Particle type: crystal. Role: cement (in case that material insterstitial to particles is crystalline material introduced during diagenesis)
- Particle type: crystal. Role: phenocryst (in igneous rock)
- Particle type: microlite Role: groundmass (in porphyrytic igneous rock)
- Particle type: crystal. Role: framework (in igneous rock)
- Particle type: pyroclast. role: framework (in tuff)
- Particle type: crystal Role: oikocryst
- Particle type: crystal Role: overgrowth
- Particle type: biogenic particle Role: floating particle
- Particle type: ooid Role: framework
Refers to a vocabulary of terms describing the role played by a constituent part of a compound material (eg, matrix, phenocryst)
Very general concept representing any kind of surface separating two geologic units including primary boundaries such as depositional contacts, all kinds of unconformities, intrusive contacts, and gradational contacts, as well as faults that separate geologic units.

Bedding measured as discrete surfaces in the case that those are the feature of interest (e.g. individual cross set surfaces for paleocurrent analysis) should be represented here.
Refers to a vocabulary of terms describing types of geological contacts
Element to represent a defined concept.
A concept in the context of a GeologicVocabulary. A relationship class representing inclusion of an instance of a concept in a GeologicVocabulary. The GeologicConcept instance must have an associated definition (prototype 0..1), which may be text for human interpretation, or a formal description in the form of a geologic entity.

* items in the classification framework
* every GeologicUnit may be classified as being representative of a Controlled Concept. This may be a formal stratigraphic unit from a stratigraphic lexicon, or some generic mappable concept like 'alluvial fan deposit' or 'basaltic rock'.
* a Controlled Concept instance mayt be associated with one special feature or object, which is the prototype or normative description meant to specify what the concept represents.
Suggested values: "dip dip direction", "strike dip right hand rule" (The strike and dip of planar data is listed according to the ‘right-hand rule’ or, as one looks along the strike direction, the surface dips to the right.)

This list is an indicative list only of terms used to describe the convention used for the orientation measurement. Users are encouraged to use a vocabulary of terms managed by the CGI vocabularies working group outside of this model.