- AlterationDescription
- AlterationDescription decribes aspects of a geologic unit or earth material that are the result of bulk chemical, mineralogical or physical changes related to change in the physical or chemical environment. Includes weathering, supergene alteration, hydrothermal alteration and metasomatic effects not considered metamorphic.
A soil profile description would have to be constructed as a GeologicUnit with unit parts representing the various horizons in the profile.
Thickness of a weathering profile can be delivered as unitThickness of an AlterationUnit.
- AlterationTypeTerm
- Refers to a vocabulary of terms describing the dominant alteration mineralogy or alteration type, in common usage. Examples include: argillic, phyllic, potassic, propylitic, calc-silicate, skarn, deuteric, greisen, serpenitisation, weathering, etc.
- AnalyticalInstrument
- Type of instrument used to perform an analytical observation
- AnalyticalMethod
- Name, and published citation (nillable), of the analytical method used in an analytical session
- AnalyticalMethodTerm
- Refers to a vocabulary of terms describing the analytical method used in an analytical session (eg; XRF mass spectrometry, ICPMS, SHRIMP geochronology)
- AnalyticalProcess
- Concrete implementation of OM_Process. Links to an analytical session (data acquisition) or a computational process which produce analytical results.
- AnalyticalSession
- This class describes the time and operator of a particular laboratory analytical session. AnalyticalSession also has associated links to the type of instrument and analytical method used, processing steps applied to data collected during a session, and instrument parameters unique to that session.
- AnthropogenicGeomorphologicFeature
- A geomorphologic feature (ie, landform) which has been created by human activity. For example, dredged channel, midden, open pit, reclaimed land.
- AnthropogenicGeomorphologicFeatureTypeTerm
- Refers to a vocabulary of terms describing the type of anthropogenic geomorphologic feature