- NaturalGeomorphologicFeature
- A geomorphologic feature (ie, landform) that has been created by natural Earth processes. For example, river channel, beach ridge, caldera, canyon, moraine, mud flat.
- NaturalGeomorphologicFeatureTypeTerm
- Refers to a vocabulary of terms describing the type of natural geomorphologic feature
- NetSlipValue
- The total amount of slip displacement
- NonDirectionalStructure
- Structures present in geology that do not have a preferred orientation
Includes small-scale structures that are characteristic of the geologic unit, e.g. herringbone crossbedding, mudcracks, graded bedding, planar lamination, miarolitic cavities, nebulitic structure, trace fossils, fossil molds
- NonDirectionalStructureTypeTerm
- Refers to a vocabulary of terms describing types of non-directional structures (eg, miarolitic cavity, flame structure, load cast, shatter cone, trace fossil, fossil mold, etc)
- NumericAgeRange
- A class to represent a numeric measurement of geologic age. All attributes have cardinality 1. Report with nilReason="missing" if a value is absent.
- NumericEraBoundary
- Used for pre-Ediacaran and Pleistocene / Holocene boundaries in the standard timescale