- BeddingDescription
- Description of bedding characteristics (eg, bed thickness, bedding style or shape, patterns of variation in bedding thickness) in a geologic unit that has stratification.
- Borehole
- The GeoSciML Borehole package contains model elements for representing Boreholes. This is primarily through re-use of standard components from the (external) Observations and Measurements package.
- BoreholeDetails
- Borehole specific index (or metadata) information
- BoreholeDrillingMethodCode
- This class is an indicative placeholder only for a vocabulary of terms describing the borehole drilling method. Users are encouraged to use a vocabulary of terms managed by the CGI vocabularies working group. For example:
hand auger
air core
cable tool
diamond core
direct push
hydraulic rotary
rotary air blast
- BoreholeInclinationCode
- This class is an indicative placeholder only for a vocabulary of terms describing the general orientation of a borehole. Users are encouraged to use a vocabulary of terms managed by the CGI vocabularies working group.
For example:
inclined up
inclined down
- BoreholePurposeCode
- Place holder for a vocabulary containing terms describing the purpose for which the borehole was drilled. eg, mineral exploration, water pumping, site evaluation, stratigraphic research, etc
- BoreholeStartPointCode
- This class is an indicative placeholder only for a vocabulary of terms describing the location of the start of a borehole. Users are encouraged to use a vocabulary of terms managed by the CGI vocabularies working group.
Examples may include:
natural ground surface - drilling started from a natural topographic surface
open pit floor or wall - drilling started from the wall of an open pit or quarry
underground - drilling started from an underground location, such as a driveway, chamber or open-stope
from pre-existing hole - new drill hole spudded off the wall of an existing hole
- BoundaryRelationship
- Defines the two GeologicUnits that make up the relationship described by the Contact