- ParticleGeometryDescription
- ParticleGeometryDescription describes particles in a CompoundMaterial independent of their relationship to each other or orientation. It is distinguished from Fabric in that the ParticleGeometryDescription remains constant if the material is disaggregated into its constituent particles, whereas Fabric is lost if the material is disaggregated. Properties include the particle size (grainsize), particle sorting (size distribution, eg: well sorted, poorly sorted, bimodal sorting), particle shape (surface rounding or crystal face development, eg: well rounded, euhedral, anhedral), and particle aspectRatio (eg: elongated, platy, bladed, compact, acicular).
- ParticleTypeTerm
- Refers to a vocabulary of terms describing the type of particle in the compound earth material (eg, bioclast, phenocryst, pyroclast)
- PhysicalDescription
- A class to describe the numeric physical properties of a geologic unit, earth material, or geologic structure. (eg; density, porosity, magnetic susceptibility, remanent magnetism). These properties are modelled here as scalar numeric values (swe:Quantity).
Vector and tensor physical properties are considered to be more applicable to located observations and should be delivered as SamplingFeature/Observations with associated geologic unit or geologic structure features.
- PhysicalProperties
- The PhysicalProperties Application Schema permits description of bulk physical properties of earth materials, geologic units and geologic structures. The model borrows from the SWECommon model to describe scalar (quantity) values of physical property measurements such as density, porosity, permeability, magnetic susceptibility, and other geophysical properties.
Individual physical property measurements made on sampling features such as specimens, outcrops, and boreholes should be delivered using the ISO19156 Observations and Measurements model.
- PhysicalPropertyTerm
- Refers to a vocabulary of physical property types (eg, density, porosity, magnetic susceptibility, magnetic remanence, conductivity, etc)
- PlanarPolarityCode
- eg: "upright", "overturned", "vertical"
This list is an indicative list only of terms used to describe the values to use for expressing overturned or upright facing of planar orientation measurements. Users are encouraged to use a vocabulary of terms managed by the CGI vocabularies working group outside of this model.