Class <<Type>> RockMaterial (extends
A specialized CompoundMaterial that includes consolidated and unconsolidated materials as well as mixtures of consolidated and unconsolidated materials.
Local Subclasses: (none)
Name |
Type |
Bounds |
From Class |
Notes |
Category |
1..* |
Terms to specify color of the earth material. Color schemes such as the Munsell rock and soil color schemes could be used. |
Attribute tagged values
Tag |
Value |
nillable |
True |
sequenceNumber |
1 |
1..1 |
Specification of the intended purpose/level of abstraction for the given EarthMaterial. Scoped name because intention is asserted by author of the data instance. Values: Instance, TypicalNorm, IdentifyingNorm. |
Attribute tagged values
Tag |
Value |
sequenceNumber |
2 |
Category |
1..* |
Term to specify the gross compositional character of a compound material. Composition as used here is loosely construed to include both chemical composition and petrograpic composition, thus multiple values may be applied to a single rock, e.g. metaluminous and alkalic, undersaturated and basic, etc. Terms would typically include broad chemical classifications such as silicate, carbonate, ferromagnesian, oxide. However, this attribute may have different terminology for different kinds of rocks - for example sandstone petrographic classification terms (e.g. feldspathic) might be placed here. |
Attribute tagged values
Tag |
Value |
sequenceNumber |
1 |
nillable |
True |
Category |
1..* |
A term that represents a summary geologic history of the material. (ie, a genetic process classifier term) Examples include igneous, sedimentary, metamorphic, shock metamorphic, volcanic, pyroclastic. |
Attribute tagged values
Tag |
Value |
sequenceNumber |
2 |
nillable |
True |
Category |
1..1 |
RockMaterial |
A property that specifies the degree to which an aggregation of EarthMaterial particles is a distinct solid material. Consolidation and induration are related concepts specified by this property. They define a continuum from unconsolidated material to very hard rock. Induration is the degree to which a consolidated material is made hard, operationally determined by how difficult it is to break a piece of the material. Consolidated materials may have varying degrees of induration (NADMSC, 2004) |
Attribute tagged values
Tag |
Value |
nillable |
True |
sequenceNumber |
1 |
1..* |
RockMaterial |
A controlled concept indicating the name of the RockMaterial type (eg, quartz sandstone, basalt, muscovite schist, sand, mud, soil, saprolite). Igneous rock definitions are governed by IUGS agreed vocabulary |
Attribute tagged values
Tag |
Value |
sequenceNumber |
2 |
inlineOrByReference |
byReference |
Outbound Associations
Name |
Type |
Multiplicity |
From Class |
Notes |
1..* |
Describes scalar quantity physical property values for rock materials. (eg; density, porosity, magnetic susceptibility, etc) |
Association tagged values
Tag |
Value |
sequenceNumber |
5 |
nillable |
True |
1 |
Delivers a representative chemical analysis of the EarthMaterial |
Association tagged values
Tag |
Value |
sequenceNumber |
6 |
nillable |
True |
MD_Metadata |
1 |
Association tagged values
Tag |
Value |
sequenceNumber |
20 |
nillable |
True |
1..* |
Specifies the ConstituentPart that makes up part of the CompoundMaterial |
Association tagged values
Tag |
Value |
sequenceNumber |
3 |
nillable |
True |
1 |
Describes the particle geometry of the CompoundMaterial |
Association tagged values
Tag |
Value |
nillable |
True |
sequenceNumber |
4 |
1 |
RockMaterial |
Describes the character of metamorphism applied to a CompoundMaterial or GeologicUnit using one or more properties including estimated intensity (grade; eg high grade, low grade), characteristic metamorphic mineral assemblages (facies; eg, greenschist, amphibolite), peak P-T estimates, and protolith material if known. |
Association tagged values
Tag |
Value |
sequenceNumber |
3 |
nillable |
True |
1 |
RockMaterial |
Decribes aspects of a geologic unit or earth material that are the result of bulk chemical, mineralogical or physical changes related to change in the physical or chemical environment. Includes weathering, supergene alteration, hydrothermal alteration and metasomatic effects not considered metamorphic. |
Association tagged values
Tag |
Value |
sequenceNumber |
4 |
nillable |
True |
1..* |
RockMaterial |
Contains the description of the fabric associated with a CompoundMaterial |
Association tagged values
Tag |
Value |
nillable |
True |
sequenceNumber |
6 |
Constraint |
Type |
Status |
Weight |
Tagged values
Tag |
Value |
Notes |
byValuePropertyType |
false |
Values: true,false Default: false Description: enforce the 'by value' property pattern without xl
isCollection |
false |
Values: true,false Default: false Description: attribute group gml:AggregationAttributeGroup is a
noPropertyType |
false |
Values: true,false Default: false Description: suppress automatic creation of *PropertyType compl
GML-conformant XML Implementation Details
<xs:element xmlns:xs="" name="RockMaterial" type="gsmlem:RockMaterialType" substitutionGroup="gsmlem:CompoundMaterial">
<xs:documentation>A specialized CompoundMaterial that includes consolidated and unconsolidated materials as well as mixtures of consolidated and unconsolidated materials.</xs:documentation>
<xs:complexType xmlns:xs="" name="RockMaterialType">
<xs:extension base="gsmlem:CompoundMaterialType">
<xs:element name="consolidationDegree" nillable="true">
<xs:documentation>A property that specifies the degree to which an aggregation of EarthMaterial particles is a distinct solid material. Consolidation and induration are related concepts specified by this property. They define a continuum from unconsolidated material to very hard rock. Induration is the degree to which a consolidated material is made hard, operationally determined by how difficult it is to break a piece of the material. Consolidated materials may have varying degrees of induration (NADMSC, 2004)</xs:documentation>
<xs:extension base="swe:CategoryPropertyType">
<xs:attribute name="nilReason" type="gml:NilReasonType"/>
<xs:element name="lithology" type="gml:ReferenceType" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:documentation>A controlled concept indicating the name of the RockMaterial type (eg, quartz sandstone, basalt, muscovite schist, sand, mud, soil, saprolite). Igneous rock definitions are governed by IUGS agreed vocabulary</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="metamorphicProperties" nillable="true">
<xs:documentation>Describes the character of metamorphism applied to a CompoundMaterial or GeologicUnit using one or more properties including estimated intensity (grade; eg high grade, low grade), characteristic metamorphic mineral assemblages (facies; eg, greenschist, amphibolite), peak P-T estimates, and protolith material if known.</xs:documentation>
<xs:extension base="gsmlem:MetamorphicDescriptionPropertyType">
<xs:attribute name="nilReason" type="gml:NilReasonType"/>
<xs:element name="alterationProperties" nillable="true">
<xs:documentation>Decribes aspects of a geologic unit or earth material that are the result of bulk chemical, mineralogical or physical changes related to change in the physical or chemical environment. Includes weathering, supergene alteration, hydrothermal alteration and metasomatic effects not considered metamorphic.</xs:documentation>
<xs:extension base="gsmlem:AlterationDescriptionPropertyType">
<xs:attribute name="nilReason" type="gml:NilReasonType"/>
<xs:element name="fabric" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded" nillable="true">
<xs:extension base="gsmlem:FabricDescriptionPropertyType">
<xs:attribute name="nilReason" type="gml:NilReasonType"/>
<xs:complexType xmlns:xs="" name="RockMaterialPropertyType">
<xs:sequence minOccurs="0">
<xs:element ref="gsmlem:RockMaterial"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref="gml:AssociationAttributeGroup"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref="gml:OwnershipAttributeGroup"/>