Class <<Type>> StandardGlobalNumericalAge (extends NumericEraBoundary)

A standard numeric age point (a numeric analogue to a 'golden spike') applicable to the formal subdivision of the Precambrian, and perhaps the Pleistocene/Holocene boundary (Walshe, Gradstein and Ogg, 2004)

Local Subclasses: (none)


Name Type Bounds From Class Notes
position TM_Instant 1..1 TimeOrdinalEraBoundary A point in time corresponding to the era boundary
Attribute tagged values
Tag Value
sequenceNumber 7
positionalUncertainty DQ_QuantitativeAttributeAccuracy 1..1 TimeOrdinalEraBoundary A measure of the uncertainty in the estimate of the point in time of the era boundary
Attribute tagged values
Tag Value
nillable True
sequenceNumber 8

Outbound Associations

Name Type Multiplicity From Class Notes
nextEra TimeOrdinalEra 1..* TimeOrdinalEraBoundary
Association tagged values
Tag Value
nillable True
sequenceNumber 2
previousEra TimeOrdinalEra 1..* TimeOrdinalEraBoundary
Association tagged values
Tag Value
sequenceNumber 3
nillable True


Constraint Type Status Weight
value(status)=="GSSA" Invariant Approved 0,00

Tagged values

Tag Value Notes
byValuePropertyType false Values: true | false
Default: false
Description: enforce the 'by value' property pattern without xlinks
noPropertyType false Values: true | false
Default: false
Description: suppress automatic creation of *PropertyType complexType

GML-conformant XML Implementation Details

<xs:element xmlns:xs="" name="StandardGlobalNumericalAge" substitutionGroup="gsmlgt:NumericEraBoundary" type="gsmlgt:StandardGlobalNumericalAgeType">


        <xs:documentation>A standard numeric age point (a numeric analogue to a 'golden spike') applicable to the formal subdivision of the Precambrian, and perhaps the Pleistocene/Holocene boundary (Walshe, Gradstein and Ogg, 2004)</xs:documentation>


<xs:complexType xmlns:xs="" name="StandardGlobalNumericalAgeType">


        <xs:extension base="gsmlgt:NumericEraBoundaryType"/>


<xs:complexType xmlns:xs="" name="StandardGlobalNumericalAgePropertyType">

    <xs:sequence minOccurs="0">

        <xs:element ref="gsmlgt:StandardGlobalNumericalAge"/>


    <xs:attributeGroup ref="gml:AssociationAttributeGroup"/>

    <xs:attributeGroup ref="gml:OwnershipAttributeGroup"/>
