Class <<Type>> GeologicHistory (extends GeologicFeatureRelation)

Relates one or more GeologicEvents to a GeologicUnit or GeologicStructure to describe their age or geologic history.

Local Subclasses: (none)


Name Type Bounds From Class Notes
relationship GeologicRelationshipTerm 1..1 GeologicRelation A term from a controlled vocabulary to describe the geologic relationship
Attribute tagged values
Tag Value
sequenceNumber 1
inlineOrByReference byReference
sourceRole RelationRoleTerm 1..1 GeologicRelation The role played by the source geologic feature or object
Attribute tagged values
Tag Value
nillable True
sequenceNumber 2
inlineOrByReference byReference
targetRole RelationRoleTerm 1..1 GeologicRelation The role played by the target geologic feature or object
Attribute tagged values
Tag Value
sequenceNumber 3
inlineOrByReference byReference
nillable True

Outbound Associations

Name Type Multiplicity From Class Notes


Constraint Type Status Weight
source must be GeologicUnit or GeologicStructure or GeomorphologicFeature Invariant Approved 1,00
target must be GeologicEvent Invariant Approved 0,00

Tagged values

Tag Value Notes
byValuePropertyType false Values: true,false
Default: false
Description: enforce the 'by value' property pattern without xl
isCollection false Values: true,false
Default: false
Description: attribute group gml:AggregationAttributeGroup is a
noPropertyType false Values: true,false
Default: false
Description: suppress automatic creation of *PropertyType compl

GML-conformant XML Implementation Details

<xs:element xmlns:xs="" name="GeologicHistory" substitutionGroup="gsml:GeologicFeatureRelation" type="gsmlga:GeologicHistoryType">


        <xs:documentation>Relates one or more GeologicEvents to a GeologicUnit or GeologicStructure to describe their age or geologic history.</xs:documentation>


<xs:complexType xmlns:xs="" name="GeologicHistoryType">


        <xs:extension base="gsml:GeologicFeatureRelationType"/>


<xs:complexType xmlns:xs="" name="GeologicHistoryPropertyType">

    <xs:sequence minOccurs="0">

        <xs:element ref="gsmlga:GeologicHistory"/>


    <xs:attributeGroup ref="gml:AssociationAttributeGroup"/>

    <xs:attributeGroup ref="gml:OwnershipAttributeGroup"/>
