Class <<FeatureType>> MappedInterval (extends MappedFeature)

A special kind of Mapped Feature whose shape is 1-D interval and uses the SRS of the containing borehole

Local Subclasses: (none)


Name Type Bounds From Class Notes
observationMethod Category 1..* MappedFeature MappedFeature ObservationMethod is a metadata snippet indicating how the spatial extent of the mapped feature was determined, and the basis for association of the geometry with some GeologicFeature specification to define a MappedFeature. For a borehole, the MappedInterval observation method indicates how the boundaries of the interval were defined (eg, linear measurement from borehole collar). ObservationMethod is a convenience property that provides a quick and dirty approach to observation metadata when data are reported using a feature view (as opposed to observation view). This property corresponds (loosely) to ISO19115 Lineage. (eg: digitised, Global Positioning System, published map, fieldObservation, downhole survey, aerial photography, field survey)
Attribute tagged values
Tag Value
nillable True
sequenceNumber 1
positionalAccuracy Quantity 1..1 MappedFeature Quantitative values define the radius of an uncertainty buffer around a mappedFeature (eg: a positionAccuracy of 100 m for a line feature defines a buffer polygon of total width 200 m centred on the line). Corresponds to ISO19115 DQ_PositionalAccuracy.
Attribute tagged values
Tag Value
sequenceNumber 2
nillable True
resolutionScale MD_RepresentativeFraction 1..1 MappedFeature Reciprocal of equivalent scale of resolution for delineation of a feature's geometry. This is in contrast to positionAccuracy which is a measure of how well a feature is located relative to other features in the geographic reference system.
Attribute tagged values
Tag Value
sequenceNumber 3
nillable True

Outbound Associations

Name Type Multiplicity From Class Notes
samplingFrame SF_SpatialSamplingFeature 1 MappedFeature It is expected in GeoSciML that this byReference association will resolve to a SF_SpatialSamplingFeature instance which may include a spatial (GML) representation of the sampling frame (eg, a map tile, a 3D surface), or may resolve to a concept from a controlled source (eg,
Association tagged values
Tag Value
inlineOrByReference byReference
sequenceNumber 5
shape GM_Object 1 MappedFeature
Association tagged values
Tag Value
sequenceNumber 6
specification GeologicFeature 1 MappedFeature Point to the single geologic feature which describes the mapped feature.
Association tagged values
Tag Value
sequenceNumber 15
metadata MD_Metadata 1 MappedFeature
Association tagged values
Tag Value
sequenceNumber 20
nillable True


Constraint Type Status Weight

Tagged values

Tag Value Notes
byValuePropertyType false Values: true,false
Default: false
Description: enforce the 'by value' property pattern without xl
isCollection false Values: true,false
Default: false
Description: attribute group gml:AggregationAttributeGroup is a
noPropertyType false Values: true,false
Default: false
Description: suppress automatic creation of *PropertyType compl

GML-conformant XML Implementation Details

<xs:element xmlns:xs="" name="MappedInterval" substitutionGroup="gsml:MappedFeature" type="gsmlbh:MappedIntervalType">


        <xs:documentation>A special kind of Mapped Feature whose shape is 1-D interval and uses the SRS of the containing borehole</xs:documentation>


<xs:complexType xmlns:xs="" name="MappedIntervalType">


        <xs:extension base="gsml:MappedFeatureType"/>


<xs:complexType xmlns:xs="" name="MappedIntervalPropertyType">

    <xs:sequence minOccurs="0">

        <xs:element ref="gsmlbh:MappedInterval"/>


    <xs:attributeGroup ref="gml:AssociationAttributeGroup"/>

    <xs:attributeGroup ref="gml:OwnershipAttributeGroup"/>
