Class <<FeatureType>> ShearDisplacementStructure (extends ShearDisplacementStructure)

Comments to be completed.

Local Subclasses: (none)


Name Type Bounds From Class Notes
faultType ControlledConcept 0..1 ShearDisplacementStructure A simple vocabulary-controlled term to describe the type of fault structure. eg; thrust, high-angle reverse, normal, transcurrent, etc. More detailed descriptive information may be added using the movementSense and movementType attributes
Attribute tagged values
Tag Value
sequenceNumber 10

Outbound Associations

Name Type Multiplicity From Class Notes


Constraint Type Status Weight

Tagged values

Tag Value Notes
byValuePropertyType false Values: true,false
Default: false
Description: enforce the 'by value' property pattern without xl
hasXmlLang false Values: true | false
Default: false
Description: axml attribute xml:lang shall be generated for the type representing the class
isCollection false Values: true,false
Default: false
Description: attribute group gml:AggregationAttributeGroup is a
noPropertyType false Values: true,false
Default: false
Description: suppress automatic creation of *PropertyType compl

GML-conformant XML Implementation Details