Class <<FeatureType>> GeologicFeatureRelation (extends GeologicRelation )

The GeologicFeatureRelation class is a concrete subtype of the abstract GeologicRelation class that is used to define relationships between geologic features, ie. structure-structure, unit-unit, and structure-unit relationships.

Relationships are always binary and directional. There is always a single source and a single target. The relationship is always defined from the perspective of the Source and is generally an active verb.

Example: a Source may point to an intrusive igneous rock body. In this case, the Target would point to the appropriate host rock body and the relationship attribute would be 'intrudes'. Other appropriate relationship attributes might include: overlies, offsets, crosscuts, folds, etc.

Two or more GeologicFeatures are associated in a GeologicFeatureRelation; each has a role in the relationship. Examples of geological roles include "overlies", "is overlain by", "is younger", "is older", "intrudes", "is intruded by", and so forth. In a relationship where an igneous unit intrudes a sedimentary unit, the geological relationship is "intrudes", the intruded sedimentary unit has the role "host", and the igneous unit has the role "intrusion".

Local Subclasses: BoundaryRelationship


Name Type Bounds From Class Notes
relationship ScopedName 1..1 GeologicRelation Term that specifies the relationship between source and target geologic objects. Vocabulary of relationship names should explicitly state relationship between source and target role fillers. For example, quartz (source) overgrows feldspar phenocryst (target).
Attribute tagged values
Tag Value
sequenceNumber 2
sourceRole ScopedName 0..1 GeologicRelation
Attribute tagged values
Tag Value
sequenceNumber 3
targetRole ScopedName 0..1 GeologicRelation
Attribute tagged values
Tag Value
sequenceNumber 4

Outbound Associations

Name Type Multiplicity From Class Notes
target GeologicFeature 1 GeologicFeatureRelation Specifies the GeologicFeature that is playing the role "target" in the GeologicFeatureRelation.
Association tagged values
Tag Value
sequenceNumber 2
source GeologicFeature 1 GeologicFeatureRelation Specifies the GeologicFeature that is playing the role "source" in the GeologicFeatureRelation.
Association tagged values
Tag Value
sequenceNumber 3


Constraint Type Status Weight

Tagged values

Tag Value Notes
byValuePropertyType false Values: true,false
Default: false
Description: enforce the 'by value' property pattern without xl
hasXmlLang false Values: true | false
Default: false
Description: axml attribute xml:lang shall be generated for the type representing the class
isCollection false Values: true,false
Default: false
Description: attribute group gml:AggregationAttributeGroup is a
noPropertyType false Values: true,false
Default: false
Description: suppress automatic creation of *PropertyType compl

GML-conformant XML Implementation Details

<xs:element xmlns:xs="" name="GeologicFeatureRelation" substitutionGroup="gsml:GeologicRelation" type="gsml:GeologicFeatureRelationType">
        <xs:documentation>The GeologicFeatureRelation class is a concrete subtype of the abstract GeologicRelation class that is used to define relationships between geologic features, ie. structure-structure, unit-unit, and structure-unit relationships.

Relationships are always binary and directional.  There is always a single source and a single target.  The relationship is always defined from the perspective of the Source and is generally an active verb.

Example:  a Source may point to an intrusive igneous rock body.  In this case, the Target would point to the appropriate host rock body and the relationship attribute would be 'intrudes'.  Other appropriate relationship attributes might include: overlies, offsets, crosscuts, folds, etc.

Two or more GeologicFeatures are associated in a GeologicFeatureRelation; each has a role in the relationship. Examples of geological roles include "overlies", "is overlain by", "is younger", "is older", "intrudes", "is intruded by", and so forth. In a relationship where an igneous unit intrudes a sedimentary unit, the geological relationship is "intrudes", the intruded sedimentary unit has the role "host", and the igneous unit has the role "intrusion".</xs:documentation>
<xs:complexType xmlns:xs="" name="GeologicFeatureRelationType">
        <xs:extension base="gsml:GeologicRelationType">
                <xs:element name="target" type="gsml:GeologicFeaturePropertyType">
                        <xs:documentation>Specifies the GeologicFeature that is playing the role "target" in the GeologicFeatureRelation.</xs:documentation>
                <xs:element name="source" type="gsml:GeologicFeaturePropertyType">
                        <xs:documentation>Specifies the GeologicFeature that is playing the role "source" in the GeologicFeatureRelation.</xs:documentation>
<xs:complexType xmlns:xs="" name="GeologicFeatureRelationPropertyType">
    <xs:sequence minOccurs="0">
        <xs:element ref="gsml:GeologicFeatureRelation"/>
    <xs:attributeGroup ref="gml:AssociationAttributeGroup"/>