URI prefLabel Definition Source http://resource.geosciml.org/classifier/cgi/compoundmaterialconstituentpartrole/armoured_relict_crystal armoured relict crystal a crystal of an earlier rock that is prevented from further reaction in a later rock by a rim of reaction products base on Neuendorf et al 2005 http://resource.geosciml.org/classifier/cgi/compoundmaterialconstituentpartrole/armoured_relict_inclusion armoured relict inclusion an inclusion of an earlier rock that is prevented from further reaction in a later rock by a rim of reaction products base on Neuendorf et al 2005 http://resource.geosciml.org/classifier/cgi/compoundmaterialconstituentpartrole/chadacryst chadacryst the enclosed crystal in a poikolitic texture "Neuendorf et al.,2005" http://resource.geosciml.org/classifier/cgi/compoundmaterialconstituentpartrole/clast_supporting_orthomatrix clast supporting orthomatrix Orthomatrix in matrix supported sedimentary rock. This vocabulary http://resource.geosciml.org/classifier/cgi/compoundmaterialconstituentpartrole/clot clot "A cluster of ferromagnesian minerals in an igneous rock,from several centimeters to decimeters in diameter,that may be a segregation or an altered xenolith." "Neuendorf et al,2005" http://resource.geosciml.org/classifier/cgi/compoundmaterialconstituentpartrole/constituent_role_not_specified constituent role not specified For descriptions in which role of constituent in compound material is not specified. This vocabulary http://resource.geosciml.org/classifier/cgi/compoundmaterialconstituentpartrole/corona corona Constituent occurs as a concentric envelope enclosing another constituent. Corona is a non-genetic term. "Williams,Turner and Gilbert,1954, Spry,1969, Fettes and Desmons,2007" http://resource.geosciml.org/classifier/cgi/compoundmaterialconstituentpartrole/corrosion_rim corrosion rim "A corona formed by a secondary mineral around an orginal igneous crystal,formed by modification of the crystal by the corrosive action of its parent magma" "Neuendorf et al.,2005" http://resource.geosciml.org/classifier/cgi/compoundmaterialconstituentpartrole/crystalline_framework_constituent crystalline framework constituent Constituent forms an interconnected network of discernible crystals. This vocabulary http://resource.geosciml.org/classifier/cgi/compoundmaterialconstituentpartrole/dropstone dropstone "An oversized stone in laminated sediment that depresses the underlying laminae and may be covered by -draped laminae. Most dropstones originate through ice-rafting, other sources are floating tree roots and kelp holdfasts..." "NADM SLTTs 2004, Jackson,1997,p 193" http://resource.geosciml.org/classifier/cgi/compoundmaterialconstituentpartrole/epimatrix epimatrix "A type of matrix consisting of inhomogeneous interstitial materials grown in originally open interstices during diagenesis,but lacking the homogeneity and clear textural evidence of pore-filling needed to classify as phyllosilicate cement." "NADM SLTTs 2004, Dickinson,1970" http://resource.geosciml.org/classifier/cgi/compoundmaterialconstituentpartrole/floating_clast floating clast Constituent is a clast that has no visible contacts with other clasts. Interpreted to be largely or completly immersed in matrix or cement. "Pettijohn et al.,1972,p. 90, SMR" http://resource.geosciml.org/classifier/cgi/compoundmaterialconstituentpartrole/granular_framework_constituent granular framework constituent "Constituent forms a rigid arrangement of particles that support one another at their points of contact...constituting a mechanically firm structure capable of supporting open pore spaces,although interstices may be occupied by cement or matrix" "Jackson,1997,p. 250" http://resource.geosciml.org/classifier/cgi/compoundmaterialconstituentpartrole/groundmass_constituent groundmass constituent Constituent forms an interconnected network of material enclosing other constituents that are disguished by larger grain size. This vocabulary http://resource.geosciml.org/classifier/cgi/compoundmaterialconstituentpartrole/inclusion inclusion a fragment of older material within an igneous rock to which it may or may not be genetically related "Neuendorf et al,2005" http://resource.geosciml.org/classifier/cgi/compoundmaterialconstituentpartrole/interstitial_constituent interstitial constituent Constituent is distributed through the material between other constituent particles This vocabulary http://resource.geosciml.org/classifier/cgi/compoundmaterialconstituentpartrole/irregular_part irregular part "A constituent with irregular distribution and geometry,as in pseudobreccia or patch migmatite." This vocabulary http://resource.geosciml.org/classifier/cgi/compoundmaterialconstituentpartrole/kelyphitic_rim kelyphitic rim Corona that consists of concentric bands with radial fibrous texture. "Williams,Turner and Gilbert,1954, Fettes and Desmons,2007" http://resource.geosciml.org/classifier/cgi/compoundmaterialconstituentpartrole/layer layer "A thin sheet compositionally distinct from the surrounding material,related to primary genesis of rock,e.g. sedimentary layers,metamorphic segregation" This vocabulary http://resource.geosciml.org/classifier/cgi/compoundmaterialconstituentpartrole/matrix matrix "Constituent forms finer-grained material interstitial to a framework constituent. \The finer-grained material enclosing,or filling the interstices between,the larger grains or particles of a sediment or sedimentary rock....The term refers to the relative size and disposition of the particles,and no particular particle size is implied\ (Jackson,1997,p. 393). May be classifiable into orthomatrix,protomatrix,epimatrix,pseudomatrix,and unclassified matrix." "NADM SLTTs 2004, Jackson,1997" http://resource.geosciml.org/classifier/cgi/compoundmaterialconstituentpartrole/megacryst megacryst "any crystal in an igneous or metamorphic rock that is sgnificantly larger than the surounding groundmass. May be a phenocryst,xenocryst,porphyroblast or porphyroclast" Neuendorf et al 2005 http://resource.geosciml.org/classifier/cgi/compoundmaterialconstituentpartrole/oikocryst oikocryst Constituent occurs as crystals that poikilitically enclose crystals of other phases in an igneous rock. "Neuendorf et al.,2005" http://resource.geosciml.org/classifier/cgi/compoundmaterialconstituentpartrole/orthomatrix orthomatrix "A type of matrix consisting of recrystallized detrital lutum (clay fraction,less than 2 micron) or protomatrix." "NADM SLTTs 2004, Dickinson,1970" http://resource.geosciml.org/classifier/cgi/compoundmaterialconstituentpartrole/overgrowth overgrowth "Constituent crystallized in crystallographic continuity with some other mineral constituent,typically quartz or calcite. In a clastic rock,commonly forms cement as well,but this should be represented using two role attribute links,'overgrowth' and cement,because overgrowth does not necessarily imply cement." "NADM SLTTs 2004, Neuendorf et al. 2005" http://resource.geosciml.org/classifier/cgi/compoundmaterialconstituentpartrole/particulate_constituent particulate constituent constituent occurs as a collection of particles that are characterized by average properties of the individual particles This vocabulary http://resource.geosciml.org/classifier/cgi/compoundmaterialconstituentpartrole/phenoclast phenoclast a relatively large and conspicuous fragment in a sediment or sedimentary rock "Neuendorf et al.,2005" http://resource.geosciml.org/classifier/cgi/compoundmaterialconstituentpartrole/phenocryst phenocryst Constituent occurs as crystals that are distinctly larger than a groundmass of enclosing crystals. Used only in igneous rocks. Neuendorf et al. 2005 http://resource.geosciml.org/classifier/cgi/compoundmaterialconstituentpartrole/porphyroblast porphyroblast "Constituent occurs as crystals formed by metamorphic crystallization,set in a finer-grained groundmass." "Fettes and Desmons,2007" http://resource.geosciml.org/classifier/cgi/compoundmaterialconstituentpartrole/porphyroclast porphyroclast "Relict crystal in metamorphic rock,in groundmass of relatively finer-grained material. Connotes that groundmass is result of tectonic reduction in grain size." "Spry,1969" http://resource.geosciml.org/classifier/cgi/compoundmaterialconstituentpartrole/protomatrix protomatrix "A type of matrix consisting of un-recrystallized detrital clayey lutum (clay fraction,less than 2 micron) in weakly consolidated rocks." "NADM SLTTs 2004, Dickinson,1970" http://resource.geosciml.org/classifier/cgi/compoundmaterialconstituentpartrole/pseudomatrix pseudomatrix A type of matrix consisting of soft deformable framework grains that are squeezed and flattened between stronger framework grains. "NADM SLTTs 2004, Dickinson,1970" http://resource.geosciml.org/classifier/cgi/compoundmaterialconstituentpartrole/sedimentary_rock_cement sedimentary rock cement "A constituent that occupies space between individual grains of a consolidated sedimentary rock,and binds the grains together as a rigid,coherent mass, it may be derived from the sediment or its entrapped waters,or it may be brought in by solution from outside sources. Material is usually chemically precipitated (Jackson,1997,p. 103). Distinguished from matrix by clearly secondary origin and generally monomineralic character." "NADM SLTTs 2004, Jackson,1997" http://resource.geosciml.org/classifier/cgi/compoundmaterialconstituentpartrole/small_concretion small concretion "A hard,compact mass or aggregate of mineral matter,normally subsperical but commonly oblate,disc-shaped or irregular. Formed by precipitation of mineral from solution in the pores of a granular rock,localized around a nucleus or center,to define a discrete,sharply separated object. Size ranges from cm to decimeter for application as a compoundMaterialConstituentPart, larger concretions should be considered GeologicUnit parts." "Neuendorf et al,2005" http://resource.geosciml.org/classifier/cgi/compoundmaterialconstituentpartrole/structural_part structural part "Constituent occurs in a structural configuration integral to the rock,such as layering,veinlets,overgrowths. The 'material' composition of these parts will often be other rock materials,not minerals,and 'ParticleGeometryDescription' associated with these describes the geometry of the constituent,not the particles the it is made of. These roles are mostly useful for RockMaterial descriptions that apply to individual samples,because their distribution is unlikely to be pervasive enought to be considered characteristic of a large mass of material." This vocabulary http://resource.geosciml.org/classifier/cgi/compoundmaterialconstituentpartrole/vein vein "Thin sheet of material intruded into the rock. May be hydrothermal,magmatic,or sedimentary." This vocabulary