URI,prefLabel,Definition,Source http://resource.geosciml.org/classifier/cgi/faultmovementtype/dip_separation_sense,dip separation sense,A fault along which there is some separation parallel to the dip of the fault.,GGIC vocabularies working group (Australia) http://resource.geosciml.org/classifier/cgi/faultmovementtype/dip_slip,dip slip,The net slip of the fault lies in the dip direction of the fault.,GGIC vocabularies working group (Australia) http://resource.geosciml.org/classifier/cgi/faultmovementtype/extraction,extraction,A fault whose two sides have approached each other substantially in the direction perpendicular to the fault.,"Froitzheim, N., Pleuger, J. & Nagel, T.J., 2006. Extraction faults. Journal of Structural Geology v28, pp. 1388-1395." http://resource.geosciml.org/classifier/cgi/faultmovementtype/horizontal,horizontal,The fault is horizontal.,GGIC vocabularies working group (Australia) http://resource.geosciml.org/classifier/cgi/faultmovementtype/mixed_extraction,mixed extraction,An extraction fault with some displacement within the fault plane.,"Froitzheim, N., Pleuger, J. & Nagel, T.J., 2006. Extraction faults. Journal of Structural Geology v28, pp. 1388-1395." http://resource.geosciml.org/classifier/cgi/faultmovementtype/oblique_slip,oblique slip,"The net slip of the fault lies between the strike and dip directions of the fault, the slip vector rakes between 10 and 80 degrees in the plane of the fault.","GGIC vocabularies working group (Australia), SMR" http://resource.geosciml.org/classifier/cgi/faultmovementtype/pure_extraction,pure extraction,An extraction fault with no discernible displacement within the fault plane.,"Froitzheim, N., Pleuger, J. & Nagel, T.J., 2006. Extraction faults. Journal of Structural Geology v28, pp. 1388-1395." http://resource.geosciml.org/classifier/cgi/faultmovementtype/scissor,scissor,"A fault on which there is increasing offset or separation along the strike from an initial point of no offset, with reverse offset in the opposite direction.",Neuendorf et al 2005 http://resource.geosciml.org/classifier/cgi/faultmovementtype/strike_separation_sense,strike separation sense,A fault along which there is some separation parallel to the strike of the fault.,GGIC vocabularies working group (Australia) http://resource.geosciml.org/classifier/cgi/faultmovementtype/strike_slip,strike slip,The net slip of the fault (slip vector) is parallel to the strike of the fault.,"GGIC vocabularies working group (Australia), SMR" http://resource.geosciml.org/classifier/cgi/faultmovementtype/transcurrent,transcurrent,A large scale strike-slip fault in which the fault surface is steeply inclined.,GGIC vocabularies working group (Australia) http://resource.geosciml.org/classifier/cgi/faultmovementtype/transform,transform,"A variety of strike-slip fault along which the displacement suddenly stops or changes form, typically associated with mid-ocean ridges.",GGIC vocabularies working group (Australia) http://resource.geosciml.org/classifier/cgi/faultmovementtype/transpressional,transpressional,A fault along which strike-slip deformation is accompanied by a component of shortening transverse to the fault.,GGIC vocabularies working group (Australia) http://resource.geosciml.org/classifier/cgi/faultmovementtype/transtensional,transtensional,A fault along which strike-slip deformation is accompanied by a component of extension transverse to the fault.,GGIC vocabularies working group (Australia) http://resource.geosciml.org/classifier/cgi/faultmovementtype/wrench,wrench,A strike slip fault in which the faut plane is more or less vertical.,GGIC vocabularies working group (Australia) http://resource.geosciml.org/classifierscheme/cgi/201202/faultmovementtype,CGI Fault Movement Type vocabulary,"This file contains the CGI Fault movement type vocabulary. Includes terms used to define the type of movement (eg dip-slip, strike-slip) for a DisplacementValue on a ShearDisplacementStructure.@en .","2009-12-07 SMR Update metadata properties for version, creator, title, and format. Change skos:HistoryNote to for information on origin of terms and definitions.@en "